Due to high taxes and gas prices, Norway has a reputation for being one of the priciest places to visit. But thanks to a Norwegian law called allemannsretten, or “every man’s right,” one can hike, ski, and even camp on virtually any uncultivated land in the country—for free. Seriously, some of the most impressive ways to lodge in Norway won’t cost you a pretty penny.

{ let bidders = [‘a9’, ‘ix’, ‘iris’]; // create a requestManager to keep track of bidder state to determine when to send ad server // request and what amazonSlots to request from the ad server var requestManager = { adserverRequestSent: false, }; //loop through bidder array and add the bidders to the request manager: bidders.forEach( function( bidder ) { requestManager[bidder] = false; } ); // return true if all bidders have returned function allBiddersBack() { var allBiddersBack = bidders // get the booleans from the object .map( function( bidder ) { return requestManager[bidder]; } ) // get rid of false values – indicates that the bidder has responded .filter( Boolean ) // if length is equal to bidders, all bidders are back .length === bidders.length; return allBiddersBack; } // handler for header bidder responses function headerBidderBack( bidder ) { // return early if request to adserver is already sent if ( requestManager.adserverRequestSent === true ) { return; } // flip bidder back flag if ( bidder === ‘a9’ ) { requestManager.a9 = true; console.log(‘second promise a9 ready’); } else if ( bidder === ‘ix’ ) { requestManager.ix = true; console.log(‘second promise ix ready’); } else if ( bidder === ‘iris’ ) { requestManager.iris = true; console.log(‘second promise iris ready’); } // if all bidders are back, send the request to the ad server if ( allBiddersBack() ) { resolve( url ); } } if ( typeof apstag == ‘object’ && apstag ) { apstag.fetchBids({ slots: [{ slotID: window.prerollTag[vHash], mediaType: ‘video’ }] }, function( bids ) { console.log( “AMI jwp amazon bid callback”, new Date().getTime(), bids ); window.jwpBids[vHash].amazon = true; if ( bids.length > 0 ) { //If we have received any bids back try { console.log(“AMI jwp amazon bid request ad”, bids[0].encodedQsParams); url = url + ‘&scp=’ + bids[0].encodedQsParams; } catch ( e ) { console.log(e); } } else { console.log(“AMI jwp amazon no bids”); } headerBidderBack(‘a9’); }); } else { headerBidderBack(‘a9’); } headertag.cmd.push( function() { headertag.retrieveVideoDemand( [{‘htSlotName’: ‘preroll’}], function( demand ) { console.log( “AMI jwp IX callback”, demand ); if ( ‘undefined’ !== typeof demand.preroll && demand.preroll.length ){ window.jwpBids[vHash].ixBids = demand.preroll[0].targeting.price; console.log( ‘AMI jwp IX Bids’, new Date().getTime(), demand.preroll[0].targeting ); var vastURL = new URL( url ); var vastParams = new URLSearchParams( vastURL.search ); if ( vastParams.has( ‘cust_params’ ) ) { var custParams = new URLSearchParams( vastParams.get( ‘cust_params’ ) ); } else { var custParams = new URLSearchParams(); } var keys = Object.keys( demand.preroll[0].targeting.price ); for ( var key of keys ) { custParams.set( key, demand.preroll[0].targeting.price[key][0]); } vastParams.set( ‘cust_params’, custParams.toString() ); vastURL.search = vastParams.toString(); url = vastURL.toString(); }…

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