Beards are so sexy. They are the sexiest accessory that a man can wear. But as you know, not all beards were created equal. Some are amazing, rough, & rugged, some are thick & sexy, while others are a little more sparse & less sexy. No matter the type of beard, there are some things that you should never do so it will always look its best. I’m talking about beard growing and grooming do NOTs today.

STOP doing this to your facial hair!

  1. Don’t ever compare your beard to someone else’s — this is a big mistake because it sabotages your ability to feel good and secure about your beard. We all have different follicle densities and genetics, which we have to embrace. Rock what you have!
  2. Don’t shave your stash — if you shave your stash, you will look Amish which there is nothing wrong with that if you’re Amish. But if not, you need a bit of hair above your lip, or else your beard looks unbalanced. And remember that the chin strap beard trend went out about 12-years ago. Another trend that went out 12-years ago is the goatee. If you can grow hair on your cheeks, rock a beard. Thick goatees look whack.
  3. Don’t forget to let your lips out — If you have a bunch of long, straggly hairs that are overflowing into your mouth, it’s disgusting. It also doesn’t make any spicy senorita want to kiss you. Grab your Brio and simply go along  with your life.
  4. Don’t eff-up your boundaries — never trim up underneath your jaw. This mistake looks horrible because people can see the neck fat/meat area, which also weakens your jaw line. Check out my demonstration about how to find your beard boundary. Another Alpha M. Pro Tip is if you suffer from razor burns/bumps or ingrown hairs when using a razor, use the Brio to do the edging instead. And if you want an even closer shave (aka bald), try the Brio Zero Blade attachment.
  5. Don’t use sh!tty grooming tools — there’s a direct correlation between using a high-quality beard grooming tool and having a better-looking beard. A high-quality tool like the Brio Beardscape has micro-adjustments, a ceramic blade, and a titanium rake. The result is a sharper cut without pulling and ultimate control with various attachments, which makes this tool the best for your face AND body (including Big Al and the Twins).
  6. Don’t let patchy, thin beards get too long or else they look thinner & patchier — keep it trimmed and cropped, then brush it. Brushing your beard on a regular basis helps to stimulate blood flow and encourage growth. You can train your beard to grow in a specific direction, helping to cover the patchy spots.
  7. Don’t grow a big beard if…  –– if you’re not responsible with a big beard, it can look out of control & unkempt, which can make you look lazy & sloppy. If you want a…

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