Man Hugging Woman Beside Him - how to be a better boyfriend

via: Pexels / Kampus Production

How to be a better boyfriend isn’t just about being a loving partner. It’s about knowing what women want in a man.

Being a dating and life coach expert, I know what you need to be boyfriend material. I learned through trial and error, then published many articles about how to become a better man.

So, if you want to be a better boyfriend, then this is for you.

Let’s get right into it!


No One Is Perfect, But It Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Be A Good Boyfriend

Couple doing indoor exercise together.

via: Pexels / Miriam Alonso

A good boyfriend knows his girlfriend more than anyone else. He’s the one that’s there for her when she’s down, he stands behind her and supports her when she needs it, and he genuinely cares for her. He shows her love, and she’s a big part of his life.

Being a great partner doesn’t mean you’re the ideal, perfect man either. You are willing to grow and improve along the way because how to be a better boyfriend is about building a strong relationship with your woman. It’s about creating intimacy and trust and putting your committed relationship first.

How To Be A Better Boyfriend – 9 Ways To Treat Your Girl Right

Couple cuddling on a couch with their pet.

via: Pexels / Andres Ayrton

You’re in this wonderful relationship, but chances are you don’t quite know the right things to do for your girlfriend. You give her a compliment here and there, and you’re throwing her romantic gestures so she can feel the love. You’re texting her daily to make sure she’s getting the attention she wants, but is this all enough? If you’re going to make a girl crazy for you, you need to be sure you’re treating her right.

Here are 9 ways to treat your girl right:

1. You communicate.

Man talking on the phone while working

via: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

A bad habit to break is holding back from what you want to say when you should be honest and open. Good things come to those that communicate well. It will strengthen your relationship, create intimacy and trust, and it’s the best way to get to know the woman you love more deeply.

2. Let her know she’s appreciated.

Man giving flowers to his girlfriend

via: Pexels / vjapratama

Your girlfriend should be one of the most important people in your life. She should be confident that she’s your priority. You make an effort to recognize and celebrate her accomplishments, and you thank her for everything she does. Be a good boyfriend and ensure she understands how valuable she is to you and that you love her being part of your life.

3. Give her space.

Two women eating pizza

via: Pexels / Adrienn

Just like you, a…

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